
Just one year into a partnership with Good Eating Company, SMC的举措侧重于当地采购的健康食品,以一种对地球有益的方式.

by SMC Office of Marketing & Communications | September 14, 2023

十大正规网赌平台在可持续食品和餐饮实践方面获得了全国前10名 2023 Sustainable Campus Index, an annual publication produced by the 促进高等教育可持续发展协会 (AASHE). 该奖项是对SMC日益强大的可持续发展倡议的认可, including important strides made in the past year.

新指数于9月14日发布,在17个类别中突出了整体表现最好的学院和大学, as measured by the AASHE 星星 (the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System) program, a self-报告ing framework for institutions to measure, 报告, and strengthen their contributions to global sustainability. With more than 900 participants in 40 countries, AASHE的星星计划是世界上最广泛认可的框架,用于公开报告与学院或大学可持续发展绩效相关的综合信息.

“这对我们十大正规网赌平台的所有人来说都是一个巨大的鼓舞,”她说 Ann Drevno, PhD, who is Director of Sustainability at SMC. “It’s taken a real community commitment, 盖尔斯和好饮食公司应该为我们共同取得的成就感到自豪.”

Students in Oliver Hall in September 2022
标志性的奥利弗大厅:smc的用餐中心,以及在口味方面获得高分的前瞻性食物方法, 质量, and variety. / Photo by Nicole Sepulveda for SMC 


A Partnership for the Planet

这一最新的国家荣誉是在圣玛丽大学与“好饮食公司”开展新的餐饮服务合作一年后获得的, known for its chef-driven culinary practices, sustainable ingredients, and farm-to-fork ethos. 学院制定了未来几年的战略可持续发展和气候行动目标, 这一伙伴关系的成立是为了优先考虑食品和用餐习惯方面的这些目标. 

“It’s taken a real community commitment, 盖尔斯和好饮食公司应该为我们共同取得的成就感到自豪.”

new partnership was announced in Fall 2022, Good Eating Company’s Western Culinary Director 艾米李 描述了他们对可持续食品系统的承诺:“与当地农场和供应商合作并培养关系,可以维持我们的文化,并尊重我们的食物来源, and we aim to regenerate the environment with these practices.” 


Good Numbers

当学生和校园顾客坐下来在奥利弗大厅或咖啡馆路易斯吃饭,或者把食物放在可重复使用的翻盖容器里, 现在,他们盘子里39%的食物来自当地和/或经第三方认证的生态无害食品, fair and/or humane. This is up from just 3% three years ago. 

可持续食品采购的惊人增长是通过一个名为Leanpath的项目来追踪的, 如果是本地的,厨师和厨房工作人员用什么来监控和分类进店的食物, plant-based, or third-party certified, for example. 他们还使用该软件来跟踪在削皮过程中修剪和堆肥的内容, 纸浆, 核, 皮, 和茎. 目前正在制定计划,对多余的可食用食品进行更有力的追踪,然后将其捐赠出去. 该公司有一个雄心勃勃的目标,到2025年将食物浪费减少50%.


Good Eats, Good Coffee, and More

Saint Mary’s students have noted the delicious difference in taste, 质量, and variety over the past year. 这一新的餐饮合作伙伴关系最吸引人的一点是,他们可以更多地亲自体验烹饪. 

Maria Palacio of Progeny Coffee with two farmers and drying coffee
超越公平贸易:Progeny Coffee联合创始人玛丽亚·帕拉西奥与哥伦比亚的农民 Photo courtesy Progeny Coffee

2022年9月,好饮食公司举办了国际公认的“现代灵魂食品”厨师 Tanya Holland for a sold-out cooking demonstration and cookbook signing. 今年1月,圣玛丽可持续发展办公室联手带来了 Maria Palacio—a fifth-generation coffee farmer, 创始人, 作为Progeny咖啡公司的老板,他来到校园,在一月学期的生态女权主义课上做了一个充满活力的演讲. 帕拉西奥描述了自己在哥伦比亚一个咖啡农场长大的经历,以及她“超越公平贸易”的经营理念. Students lined up afterward for questions and conversations, including at least one request for an internship with her company. 

In May of this year, for National Bee Day, 在高级行政总厨和养蜂人的养蜂示范期间,餐厅里热闹非凡 Joseph Marx. 当天的特别嘉宾包括来自校园半英亩遗产花园中三个蜂箱之一的蜜蜂.

Student holding bee frame in spring 2023
The buzz: James Brumley ’26, a sustainability and marketing intern, 在由行政总厨约瑟夫·马克思主持的养蜂研讨会上,他从SMC遗产花园拿了一个蜂架. / Photo courtesy Ann Drevno

Additional sustainable dining practices include the greener-by-default initiative, 是什么让植物性食物成为默认,同时让食客选择肉类和乳制品. The Good Eating Company is also an active partner in Menus of Change, 哪种食物既能保证美味又能保证最佳营养呢, public health, environmental stewardship and restoration, 以及餐饮服务业和烹饪行业的社会责任问题. And a new partnership with Topanga will help scale up Saint Mary’s reusable container program. 

Alongside the latest recognition, Saint Mary’s has been a certified Fair Trade campus for the past nine years. During that period, 学院在可持续发展方面的总体成就也从AASHE获得了越来越高的分数, going from Bronze to Silver to Gold since 2020. SMC在《十大网赌平台》的绿色学院指南中也得到了认可,并被列入《十大网赌平台》的“酷学校”名单 塞拉 magazine, published by the 塞拉 Club. And in spring 2023, 学院为世界各地的喇沙修士大学主持了一场关于如何利用全球社区推动可持续发展倡议的对话.

“We are thrilled about the progress we’ve made in such a short time,” says Sustainability Director Ann Drevno. “我们很高兴推出新的项目,这将使我们的承诺更进一步,促进一个更加公正和可持续的农业食品体系.”

READ MORE: Explore the full 2023 Sustainable Campus Index.


